a person walking on a beach near the ocean
Authenticity Alignment Coaching

Unlock Your Creative Soul

This world is a paradox and you feel it in your bones.

The collective chaos & pain overwhelms and emboldens. More than anything, you want to be a source of light in the darkness. When instead, you find yourself hiding in the shadows, stuck in limiting patterns, and questioning your own voice.  

I would love to help you rediscover your divine purpose, connect with your true self, and amplify your authentic expression. 

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Delta Neuron

Resilience is a planetary force that lives within you.

Find your voice

I'm committed to helping you find your true voice and purpose, breaking free from limiting beliefs and outdated systems. Let's embark on a collaborative journey of self-discovery, unlocking your potential for a purposeful and authentic life.

Feeling lost or adrift?

In my transformative coaching, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, navigating emotional landscapes to unlock healing and alignment with your heart and soul. Together, we unravel personal narratives, facing the unknown with courage and delving into emotional depths for empowerment and transformation.

Rock Formation Fingerprint

Earth's strength & beauty are mapped into your DNA.

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What to Expect

My process is a multi-faceted approach that blends coaching, intuition, resiliency, and the exploration of the Akashic Records. Here's an overview of your transformative process:

  • Close-up of a Light Bulb in a Wood

    I provide structured sessions to support individuals in navigating challenges and achieving goals.

  • Silhouette Photography of Woman Standing on Seashore during Golden Hour

    I tap into intuitive senses to understand underlying energies and enrich my perception of individuals and situations.

  • Rocks Covered in Moss in the Sea at Dusk

    I bring emotional fitness and trauma informed skills to navigate todays uncertain landscape.

  • santa cruz, lighthouse, california
    Akashic Records Exploration

    I delve into the Akashic Records to explore soul history, purpose, and potential, facilitating transformative insights and healing.

  • Silhouette of Tree Near Body of Water during Golden Hour
    Divine Energy Alignment

    I align individuals with universal energies, fostering experiences that resonate with their soul's purpose for the highest good.

The synergy of these elements creates a powerful and personalized journey for each individual, leading to transformative experiences, heightened self-awareness, and a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

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Authenticity Alignment

My Approach

I empower creatives and leaders to live on purpose, unlocking their full expression and fulfillment. Through a unique blend of coaching, intuition, channeling, and tapping into the Akashic Records' divine energy, I facilitate powerful experiences.

These experiences are designed to align with your soul's divine purpose for the highest good, guiding you towards a transformative journey of self-discovery and purposeful living.

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